My Life Goals for the Future

My Life Goals for the Future

It is clear that we all have goals in our lives, from having a job to developing our most entertaining hobbies, because there are several different goals that we set to set the path to those goals. Because of this, today I would like to make known my own life goals for my future, so that they know my ambitions and the desires I set for myself in the long term. Let's start!

Firstly, I must clarify that there are many goals that I have set for the future, so I will divide them so that they know in detail all the purposes that I want to achieve in the future. My life goals are as follows:

Being a Veterinarian

One of my main life goals (perhaps the most important of all) is to become a veterinarian, because I love animals and want to take care of them and protect them. Of course, becoming a veterinarian is not going to be a piece of cake, because for this I need to study a lot, especially in university, there I will acquire various knowledge that will be very helpful when the desired moment arrives. From a very early age, I have been very clear about this goal, and I have not changed this main goal for more than 10 years, it is the desire of my life.

Being a Composer of Classical Music

One of my passions since my youth is to delight in classical music, for me, listening for a while to Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, among other composers, makes me feel in paradise. For this reason, I have also decided as a goal of life to become a composer of classical music, because thanks to all the theory I have learned I will be able to compose classical music without many complications, I consider that it's not rocket science. If Latin American composers like Ginastera, Lauro and Revueltas managed to compose classical music, I too could become a composer of classical music.

Being a Writer

Literature is one of my favorite arts along with music, so it is not surprising that I am very interested in the works of classic writers of universal literature such as Cervantes, Shakespeare, Verne, Allan Poe, among others. Thanks to this wonderful world, I decided to become a writer, even I have already taken my first steps with some poems and fictional short stories, but I still need much more than that to achieve this goal. Some books have always been a mystery to me, since imagination is always present in all art, so I think that art helps me to show my true colours, who I really am.

Being an Entrepreneur

Finally, another of my main life goals is the desire to become an entrepreneur, since the world of finance, business and products have always generated concerns. I remember that a while ago I received education on business-related issues, and also some accounting, but I want to specialize more in this area, as I dream of starting my own company and bringing it to great success based on good decisions, advertising and services. Of course, I have to achieve it as long as the reliability that is so needed is maintained, since any deception could put me and my business on a tightrope, so I can also use my saving methods.

I must confess that I have many more life goals, and although I was left pending, I would like to talk in detail about these on another occasion, so I will do a second part of this post. Finally, I would like to invite you to read my other articles about my trip to Mexico, I am sure you will love them. See you till the next post!

My First Travel to another Country
