
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2022

My First Travel to another Country

My First Travel to another Country Traveling to another part of the world is a unique experience, don’t you think? Traveling to another country is a desire that many people have, regardless of the country to which we want to travel, because there are many countries on which to know absolutely everything: culture, gastronomy, history, among other striking aspects. Because of this, today I would like to share my experience of my travel to Mexico, an impressive experience that I will never forget. Let's start! Well, I'll be honest...  I did not think that the experience I am going to talk about would come to me so soon, since at the age of 14 years old I had the opportunity to travel another country. I tell you... It was the month of December of the year 2019, my parents and I were in our house. It seemed to be a normal day, where we were going to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays at the home of some relatives. I was calm, having fun with the Nintendo Switch that I had rec